Our Story
Every day, millions of people across the country struggle to make ends meet. They face limited opportunities, inadequate education, and systemic barriers that keep them from reaching their full potential.
Our founder, Correy Faciane, knows this struggle all too well. Born in an area where the school system was horrible, the job market abysmal and the crime rate sky high, he was headed in the wrong direction. It wasn’t until his family decided they wanted better and was blessed with the opportunity to relocate to Loudoun County, VA, known to have the highest medium household income in the country. Being surrounded by safety and opportunities was something so unfamiliar to him.
“Don't just try to fit in here, act as the bridge between both environments.” That was the everlasting advice he received as he was transitioning.
After numerous eye opening experiences, he began to navigate life on a mission to provide opportunities to communities that have lost hope.
And that's exactly how our organization was formed. Hearts of Empowerment will educate the wealthy and empower the marginalized. We realize that sometimes the only thing that separates the people on both sides of the spectrum is an opportunity. There are communities all over the world that feel as if they have no chance at a better life. We refuse to make that a true statement.
We've got a team of leaders that see life through a different lens, sometimes all people need is a chance.
Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission
Our mission is to equip communities with the necessary tools and resources to break the cycle of generational poverty.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a world with equitable opportunities for all.