Special Guest Testimonials

We’ve had the pleasure of working with some amazing people, take a listen to what they had to say about us!

CFL Athlete

Dante absher

Professional Football Player

Retired NFL Athlete

Josh Morgan

Professional Football Player

CFL Athlete

Lucky Whitehead

Professional Football Player

“I think the best attribute Hearts of Empowerment brings to the community is actually hope because it’s a group of people coming together making real events happen that create change. A lot of nonprofits have ideas but they struggle to make them happen and these ideas can change the community. When you change the community you are creating hope. I was inspired to work with Hearts of Empowerment because I met Correy and he was a very impressive guy. I’m not talking about a business perspective, everything about him was very authentic. And when I met the group, they had the same aura. They love working with the community and making change. I just knew that if my ideas were going to come to fruition, come to life, Hearts of Empowerment would be the group to do so. My partnership with Hearts of Empowerment, I was say it was easy. I have a lot going on business and life wise, and every single piece of this event, every piece of communication was done exquisitely. I wish I could work with you guys all day, everyday. It really was an amazing experience. My final thoughts of Hearts of Empowerment is that every single event that I’m trying to do with the community, everybody that I know that has an idea to help others and raise awareness behind their ideas, I’m going to push them to Hearts of Empowerment. I’m not working with another group. This was an amazing experience, you guys brought something to life that I’ve only been thinking about for years, you guys actually made it happen. I want thank each and every single one of you”
— Christian Benjamin, Entrepreneur